
Sometimes as marketers, we get lost in a sea of acronyms — CRM, SEO, ROI, CTR, etc… and it only took one word to remind me that not everyone gets all of these references.
To be a truly successful marketer, you want to be as transparent as possible as well as provide clarity. If your message is anywhere in the world of insider esoterica where the audience might be confused, that message is lost. And maybe worse than just ignored, the audience might even feel left out.
What is “conversion”?
ACR defines conversion as, “The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action.” In other words, the conversion is simply getting someone to respond to your call-to-action.
Getting someone to open an email is a conversion. Having them click on the call-to-action link inside that email is another conversion. Going to the landing page and filling out a registration form to read your content is a conversion. And, of course, buying your product is the ultimate conversion.
For consumer marketers, conversion can be relatively fast and simple. A possible customer scans a QR code to get a coupon (that’s a conversion right there), and then they immediately go to the restaurant to get their free french fries with a burger and soft drink purchase. (That’s the key conversion.)
In the longer and more complex B2B sale, you want a steady series of small conversions. Engage with your lead nurturing email sends, engage on the website, interact with your social media efforts, and hopefully do a lot of these activities on a mobile device.